Dynamic Hearing Solutions takes great pride in being involved in the community. Our goal is to provide a greater range of resources and become more socially responsible by providing presentational and educational seminars throughout the Kootenays.
When you visit Dynamic Hearing, our team will take the time to explain what to expect from your visit and discuss any hearing test results or recommendations with you. We always prioritize clarity and understanding in all our appointments.
Educational seminars and speaking engagements help us to accomplish this and during these seminars we focus on hearing loss and hearing-related issues. Through this involvement we hope to instill a greater understanding of hearing loss and available options.
To schedule an event in your community, please contact us at 1-877-426-0079 or by email at info@dynamichearingsolutions.ca. Please let us know as soon as possible about date, time, or location changes, or if an event must be cancelled.
Let us know the date and location of your community event or presentation.